Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well, I have a big performance coming up in a couple of weeks! I will be performing with the Reinhardt Orchestra. We are performing one of the FEW 3 Piano Concertos written by J.S. Bach, and it will be an amazing performance. The work is FANTASTIC, and I am honored to get the opportunity to perform it with two fine pianists from Reinhardt. Our artist in residence, Dr. George Lucktenberg, and one of our accompanists, Fabia Smith will play the other 2 parts. Please see the following link for more details on the upcoming performance on April 16th.


Well, the bunny photos from last weekend are available for all to VIEW! Feel free to go to the website

Enter into the galleries and Click on March BUNNY Portraits to get to the photos. There were several which turned out pretty good. I am SO glad.

Our friends Arica and Lance also came with us that day and brought their little girl, who is 3.5 months old. She was so beautiful and I am sure they have tons of photos to choose from!
Here are a couple of photos that Lance took with his Canon digital camera.
I LOVE this pic of lulu! He is really thinking about something! to get away from the bunnies!

In this photo, it is hard to tell...who is trying to get away from WHOM? The bunny is not too keen on lulu either!!

This is Sophia, who belongs to our friends Arica and Lance. She wasn't bothered at all by the bunnies hopping all around her! Ahhhh...the Golden days of immobility!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spring Has Sprung

Well, Spring is officially HERE! There is a thick coat of Yellow Pollen Everywhere! Lucas has had so much fun getting outside to play. We have recently purchased a new purple ball that he loves to kick around outside. We enjoy taking him to the new park that has been built recently here in Woodstock. Lucas definitely loves to be outside. I love to see him run around giggling as he tries to kick the ball around!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Attempted LIVE Bunny Photo Shoot

Well, we have an OFFICIAL TODDLER on our hands! Last Saturday, we drove to Suwanee, Georgia to have a photographer take photographs of Lucas with LIVE bunnies. I thought this would be more entertaining and beautiful than standing in line at the mall attempting to get photos taken with the "Easter Bunny." Well, Lucas was completely terrified of the bunnies--who would of thought! He cried every time one of the assistants tried to put one near him. He was however mesmorized with the plastic eggs and large prop eggs! So mesmerized that he would jump up, run around the room with them in his hand, and attempt to throw them at the "evil" bunnies. If it would not have been my own child, I would of been laughing my behind off. But of course, it was MY child, and I was desperately trying to corral him just to get ONE DECENT photo of my beloved son with some cute LIVE bunnies...However, I had forgotten that when one is parenting a TODDLER, you NEVER know what the day will bring. So in two weeks, we will get the proofs back and see exactly what the photographer managed to capture. I wonder if she managed to capture my general angst in the background?! Ah well, it was cute (in a sad sort of way) and I am sure that I will laugh about it, maybe next year...