Monday, November 10, 2008

Lucas's upcoming birthday preparations

We are really looking forward to Lucas's birthday this year. He is very excited about his upcoming party. In preparation for his day, I am putting together a wishlist through Toys R Us which can also be helpful for Christmas. We are getting Lucas a V-Smile for his birthday. For Christmas we are planning on getting him a train table with train track for his THOMAS trains. You can get to the website by following this LINK to Lucas's Wishlist

Look up the recipient's name for some ideas.


We had a great time taking Lucas trick or treating. His batman costume was a hit!!! We met at home, suited Lucas up in his costume and took him to eat PIZZA (his favorite). Then we went to the Halloween festival in downtown area. Lucas had fun jumping in the inflatable bouncers and playing games such as the bean bag toss!!
Following that, we went trick or treating in our neighborhood. All the neighbors and their children sort of met up and went around the neighborhood together! It was so fun, and LUCAS had a BLAST!!! This boy cleaned up with the candy!!! WOW...Such a fun time!!!