Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Picking Blueberries

Last Thursday morning, Lucas and I headed out to the Blueberry patch for some serious blueberry pickin'. My expectations were extremely low because after all, picking a vat of blueberries is probably not on a toddler's MUST DO list. We got there, and the first thing I saw were signs stating, "WE HAVE POISON IVY." "Oh great," I thought. This really wasn't the day I wanted to determine whether or not my child was super sensitive to poison ive/oak. My dear hubby can LOOK at a picture of poison ivy and break out into hives...ugh...however, there was preventative lotion offered at the front, the berries were super cheap, so we took our chances! And another thing, I had really talked up the whole "berry picking experience," so if I didn't produce an "experience," Lucas was going to create his own "experience" in the form of a crazy toddler tantrum. Those of you with children KNOW what this experience is like--I'd rather go head-to-head with the Poison Ivy!

The berries were somewhat picked over, but we managed to get a pound or so--enough to make something and have some for munching. Luckily, we didn't have any issues with the poison ivy. "Thank you, Lord." I was really surprised at how much Lucas got into the whole idea of "berry picking." He really enjoyed LOOKING for the berries which were the right hue of blue. Seriously? He did a great job! His attention really held out much longer than I thought it would! How wonderful. So it was an overall enjoyable experience! When we got home, Lucas had a huge bowl full of fresh berries and wanted more! The boys loved blueberries...I never knew!
I took half of them and made wonderful blueberry muffins--"Thanks, Alton Brown." Dear hubby was so excited to have them for dessert and breakfast the next morning. It was a great excursion!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Hair

Well, I think the jury is NO LONGER out on this...Lucas has curly hair. He will have my hair. I keep thinking it is going to turn straight, but no...the more he plays outside and sweats or when he takes a bath, the hair just keeps getting curlier! There is no denying it...

There is no doubt, however...he gets this from me. One rule about the curly hair...the more you brush it, the more "fly away frizzy it gets." If in doubt, check out these pics of me from LONG AGO. I'm telling you, I look like the bride of Frankenstein!! It is not pretty! Mothers, guard your children's eyes!

So, I know my dad keeps telling me, "That Boy needs a haircut." But I just can't bare to cut those sweet curls yet. In time, he will grow to hate his curls, I am sure. So for now, I'm just gonna let them "shine" a bit, cuz they are so stinkin' cute, and they match his personality--Stinkin' cute that is...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My latest Scrapbook pages

I just got started on my 2008 album but here are a few layouts I have completed lately!!

loving his Auntie

Lucas had a wonderful visit with his Aunt Angie. They played cars and had all sorts of fun when she came to visit! Here are a couple of pics of them sharing hugs and smooches!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well, my sister came to town. She and I are scrapbooking addicts, so every once in a while we are able to get together and encourage/persuade each other to spend $$ money we don't have in our efforts to record our family's history. It is a wonderful hobby, however, and it has brought my sister and I close together throughout the years!! I am blessed to have such a wonderful sister who is so encouraging, loving, and devoted to her family. She is a mentor...then again, she always has been! (see picture below) Gotta love the 70's!!!


HERE WE ARE at the Scrapbook Expo in Atlanta last week!! We were the Scrapbooking Diva QUEENS!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Proud to call him FRIEND

Well, I have a dear friend who went to UGA with me way back when... He is one of the most amazing musicians I know! He has always been in involved (and actually got me interested in) barbershop quartets, and his group "State Line Grocery" actually competed AND WON THIRD PLACE in the International Barbershop Quartet Competition this past month. The finals were held in Nashville, and I found the link to their performance in the finals. It is amazing. I think you will be impressed as well. My friend is Mark, who is the young guy on the left!! Go, Mark, you are AWESOME!
Click on the link below!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Independence Day!!

We had a wonderful 4th of July, spending it with great friends and great food!! Is there anything better?? Our dear friends Arica, Lance, Ruthie, and John and their little ones came over for Sangria and a Cookout. Lucas had a wonderful time playing with his playmates. They spent much time playing with toys, eating Ice Pops, and Playing with bubbles from the Bubble machine!!

Lucas loves to play with other children and is so outgoing with new friends. I am so glad that he is like his daddy in that way. He is a true social butterfly and loves people!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Glossary of Terms

A friend sent these to me and I had to share them!! They are too hilarious not to...

The Momzillas glossary of terms and abbreviations
written by Jill Kargman

Affluenza: Malaise of the extremely wealthy; symptoms include panic over which color Bugaboo to buy and night sweats about which $20,000 pre-preschool to apply to. Common occurrences of dissatisfaction despite comfort of riches.

Blue Ribbon Birther: Mom who brags about her natural childbirth and thinks she deserves a prize for forgoing drugs. See EB.

BW: Babysitter Worthy; i.e., I haven’t read the reviews for that movie, I’m not sure if it’s BW (since tickets + ‘corn + bevs + sitter fee = $100).

EB: Epidural Basher; woman opposed to the use of pain medication during childbirth. Generally brags about her own long natural labor.

Fresh Baked Bread: See Glossary of Extinct Terms.

Mom who constantly thinks her kid is sick and/or that other kids are sick and will infect her kid.

LM: Liar Mom; i.e., Madison slept through the night starting at two weeks old!

Manny: Male nanny. Usually attractive and younger than his charges’ mom and dad.

MNJ: Middle Name Junkie; mother who always calls her child by first and middle name; as in Julia Charlotte loves Mandarin class.

MTD: Mom’s Two Dinners; one at sixish with the kids, consisting of mac’n’cheese or chicken fingers. Second dinner is with husband later on.

Nursing Nazis: Brigade of vociferous moms who compete over who breast-feeds longer; often judge/bitch out bottle-feeders.

Sanctimommy: Preachy mom who thinks she knows what’s best for not just her child but also everyone else’s as well.

Suicide Hour: Generally from five p.m. until husband comes home. “Happy Hour” for the rest of the world.