Monday, February 11, 2008

Baby no more... *SNIFF*SNIFF*

Well, Lucas is officially out of his crib and in his BIG BOY BED. I believe he has been ready for a while. I think it was me (the mom) who wasn't ready to see him give up this last shred of "baby-dom." As long as he was in a crib, he was still my baby. As long as he was sleeping in the crib, he really wasn't growing so quickly before my eyes. Nevermind the fact that he is doing all these big boy things, i.e. working on potty training, drinking out of cups and straws, speaking in complete sentences, eating with utensils, going up and down the playground slide on his own, and growing like a weed!! Somehow, I just couldn't imagine him being ready for all the NEW independence that a BIG BOY BED provided. In the end, I realize it was ME who wasn't ready to give him this independence. However, last Saturday he climbed out of the crib during nap time. I immediately became READY for the BIG BOY BED!

That afternoon, we took Lucas shopping and made a big deal about getting his own big boy bed. He and I had already had several prior conversations regarding BIG BOY BEDS so this wasn't the first time he had been exposed to the idea of leaving his crib. He picked out a red bed with Mickey Mouse bedsheets and comforter set!! He LOVES the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show. Although he still loves CARS too, he really wanted the Mickey Mouse bed. So we brought it home and began taking down the crib. Those of you who know me well are NOT surprised in knowing that I CRIED during the crib dis-assembly process. After all, this is MY BABY we are talking about here!!

Lucas was eager to help his daddy take the crib apart. Justin gave him various drill parts (NOT SHARP OR DANGEROUS, MAMA) to help with the dis-assembly process!! He was such a good helper!! He wanted so badly to be a part of the entire process--which was adorable for both Justin and myself; however, as I am sure you are all aware, a toddler's interest and zeal for "helping out" can sometimes be a hinderance for those trying to GET THE TASK DONE. Anyway, Justin was great with Lucas and was creative in giving him projects in order to keep him involved and yet out of the way too!! haha...

Finally, the bed was assembled and ready to go. We talked with Lucas about the importance of staying in the bed until time to get up. He has done BEAUTIFULLY over the last two nights in his own bed. He has NOT gotten out of bed and wandered around which is WONDERFUL. Yesterday's naptime did NOT go as smoothly, but I think this is just a transitional phase which will smooth itself out. I think the temptation to get out of the bed during the day time is much harder because there are too many things he COULD be doing in his room besides sleeping. For example, he could have great fun taking off his socks and stuffing them down the front of his pants. Then again, he could dig around under book shelves/dressers/clothes hampers/behind the rocker looking for lost cars to play with. However, I cannot forget to mention the "coup de gras" of all favorite naptime naughty activities-- There is nothing more fun than finding things in the room, i.e. books, cars, things taken out of clothing drawers to shove down into the STINKY diaper pail. FUN for the whole family right there!! Especially for mom, who gets to fish everything out, or determine that it REALLY wasn't worth keeping after all!! We have had MANY a CARS casualty from that, and I will NOT apologize for it!! haha

Anyway, this is an exciting time for us, and we are enjoying Lucas's excitement regarding his new BIG BOY BED. He really loves it and even helps me by making (or attempting) his bed each morning!! We are blessed!

Lucas is a Model!

Well, Lucas has become quite the HAM when I pull the camera out to take his pic (which I am sure you know is ALOT)...He has just about perfected his "model pose." (with mine and daddy's coaxing of course!! What fun it is to coerce toddlers into doing hilarious things!! I call this his ZOOLANDER MAGNUM pose!! haha