Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Little Man Lu

Lucas is TWO! The fun has truly begun. There is never a dull moment in the life of a Toddler. He is a bundle of non-stop energy, and it is great fun!! Lucas still loves cars and plays with them everyday. He also loves to do puzzles! We spend time doing them most everyday. He also knows all of his basic colors and he loves to SING! We have a music CD which we listen to in the car. He knows most of the words to all the songs. His favorite TV shows are currently Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Backyardigans, and Little Einsteins. He talks all the time, and usually tries to speak in complete sentences. He is usually very good about saying "please" and "thank you." (which is adorable!!) He is very likable by other children and will generally try to share his toys with others. If he sees another child upset, he will usually try to offer them a toy to try and console them. He is attending the Montessori School and we love it! He really likes his teacher, and seems to be learning lots! They are currently working with him and potty training. It is our job at home to re-inforce the training at home. It has been INTERESTING. He is NOT as eager to use the potty here at home as he is at school. We are just taking it one day at a time.

Although he is usually laid back, there are days when he is REALLY good at being a toddler. If he doesn't want to put on his shoes at "that particular time," he will wiggle, fuss, and squirm. If he wants cereal for breakfast and you have the audacity to serve him yogurt, you are gonna hear about it!! He really can be a stinker, but we are talking about boundaries, rules, and limitations, and generally he tries to do his very best!!

All I can say is that being a mom is the BEST thing I have ever done. I love this child more than I ever thought possible! Even the rough days (crazy toddler tantrum days) fill my life with such happiness, I can't imagine my life without this dear boy of mine! I am so grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to parent this child. I pray everyday for the strength, patience, and guidance to raise him to be a good-hearted, intelligent, God-seeking, and loving human being who cares for his fellow man. He has such a sweet heart, there are many days when he breaks my heart with tenderness! We are truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to share our lives with this little man!

Turning 34

Well, another birthday has come and gone. I had two special gatherings which re-affirmed how special my friends are to me! Our neighborhood mommy group (affectionately termed MU OMEGA MU) organized a birthday brunch for me and another mom, named Cara who also has a January Birthday! We had mimosas, wonderful food, and cake. It was such a special time. These girls are wonderful friends to me, and I am grateful for them. It is also great to get together with friends who also have young toddlers. What a wonderful support group!!

My husband also planned a surprise bday party for me at Carrabbas. It was so fun, and Justin did such an awesome job. I had NO IDEA!! What a great birthday!!