Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am feeling very grateful this morning. So many people have shown their support for our adoption plans. I have even had students buy coffee, t-shirts, and donate $ to our adoption cause--students who have so little, yet they give from their hearts. It is a blessing to know we have good people in our lives surrounding us with love and prayer during this endeavor. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are saving every penny we can, and it is hard to see the end goal right now. Even Lucas is chipping in some of his money to the fund! Every penny counts, and we both feel in our hearts that this is where the Lord has brought us. Even though there are many things we are not sure of, we both know that we are meant to travel this path. Justin and I are taking every extra job we can. We have trimmed all the fat from our budget and cut out things like going out to dinner, buying gifts, going to movies, pedicures for me, and buying books, CDs, and other extras that can add up to hundreds of dollars every month. We have been listening to Dave Ramsey and have gone through his Financial Peace University course online which has helped us tremendously in getting our finances on track and living on much making these changes in our lives, we have been able to make our money work for us much more efficiently! It is helping us grow our adoption fund each day, and will hopefully get us to our goal over the next 6 months.

We are feeling blessed and lucky to be traveling this path. We have wanted to expand our family for so long, we know the sacrifice we are making now will be worth it when we add that sweet baby to our family. Lucas has already chosen the Build A Bear he wants to get for the baby when he/she comes home.

To all who keep up with us, we ask for your prayers. We ask for patience and diligence in this process. We ask for continued faith in God's plan for our lives and family. We ask for help in discernment in trying to choose the right profile when it comes our way. We ask for prayers for the birth mother carrying our baby--we pray she makes good decisions concerning her health and the health of this un-born child. We pray for her spirit and hope that the Lord blesses her life for making such a courageous decision and providing a plan for her un-born child's life. We desperately want to follow His will for us in this journey. We know He has a master plan for our lives, although at this time we can not see the end result. As a Type-A person, that is VERY difficult to deal with on a daily basis. However, the Lord works daily to teach me patience and faith in His plans for our lives.

We will keep you posted on our journey. It is exciting, wonderful, and scary all at the same time. You can find us on Facebook at LEE Adoption Journey. Check out all our fundraisers we are having to help raise funds. We are in the process of planning a big yard sale in October to make some extra $$ for our adoption fund. If you have any donations of stuff you would like to donate for our yard sale, that would be greatly appreciated...

Have a blessed day!

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